Lottrup Family from 1545
1889 - 1958 (68 år)-
Navn Svend MEYER [1] Fødsel 11 jul. 1889 Tjele, , Viborg, Danmark Køn Mand Død 1958 in Canada, , , Person-ID I1289 Slægten Lottrup Sidst ændret 19 dec. 2024
Far Hans Jørgen Christian MEYER, f. 5 jan. 1859, Hammershøj, , , d. 26 dec. 1940, Aarhus - Denmark, , , (Alder 81 år) Mor Agnes Augusta ROHDE, f. 25 maj 1860, Vesterølle - Viborg - Denmark, , , d. 2 aug. 1930, Høng - Løve - Denmark, , , (Alder 70 år) Ægteskab 5 apr. 1888 Frederiksborg, , , Danmark Skilsmisse før 1911 Familie-ID F77 Gruppeskema | Familietavle
Familie Johanne HØST, f. 16 jun. 1888, Copenhagen - Denmark, , , d. 18 okt. 1970, Canada, , , (Alder 82 år) Ægteskab 4 dec. 1915 Eramosa Township, Wellington County, Ontario - Canada, , , Børn 1. Esther MEYER, f. 17 nov. 1910, Toronto - Ontario - Canada, , , d. 15 maj 1970 (Alder 59 år) 2. Hans Albert MEYER, f. 9 sep. 1916, Fergus - Ontario - Canada, , , d. 5 maj 2000, Parksville - British Columbia, , , (Alder 83 år) 3. Louis Carrol MEYER, f. 31 mar. 1918, Fergus - Ontario - Canada, , , d. 1953 (Alder 34 år) + 4. John Benjamin MEYER, f. 15 mar. 1920, Fergus-Ontario-Canada, , , d. 26 nov. 1992, Saskatoon - Saskatchewan-Canada, , , (Alder 72 år) 5. Agnes Emily MEYER, f. 13 dec. 1923, Fergus - Ontario - Canada, , , d. 18 dec. 2002, Fergus - Ontario - Canada, (Alder 79 år) 6. Betty Louise MEYER, f. 10 okt. 1926, Fergus - Ontario - Canada, , , d. 24 nov. 1973, Nanaimo - British Columbia, , , (Alder 47 år) 7. Jack Rohde MEYER, f. 26 aug. 1932, Fergus - Ontario - Canada, , , d. 16 nov. 1992 (Alder 60 år) Familie-ID F301 Gruppeskema | Familietavle Sidst ændret 19 dec. 2024
Svend Meyer og familie
Svend Meyer og Johanne Høst
Gustav, Elisabeth og Svend Meyer
Notater - More about Svend MEYER:
Occupation: Farmer. Trained as a carpenter.
Sheep award: His name appears in the Canadian National Records for Sheep, Volume 10 (1921) #17543. Also appears in a 1921 Agricultural Societies of Ontario publication, finishing 12th for oat crops in the Wellington area.
Residences: Ars, Brorstrup, Alborg, Denmark (1911), with his uncle, Peter Julius ROHDE and family; Fergus, ON (beginning 1 July 1913); Elora, ON (1923).
Languages: Danish, English
Immigration: Immigrated to Ellis Island on 10 June 1913. Indicated his final destination as Fergus, ON, to join friend Olle Benham (or Bentram). His nearest closest relative was indicated to be his mother, “A. Meyer.”
Burial: Belsyde Cemetery, Fergus, ON
Family folklore: He had a big beard, though no available photos show him with one.
Religion: Lutheran (1915) Naturalization: Became a Canadian citizen 23 June 192
- More about Svend MEYER:
Kilder - [S185] Randy Chafy, (Jens Lottrup).
- [S185] Randy Chafy, (Jens Lottrup).