Lottrup Family from 1545 with links to other families

Ove Viggo HANSEN

Person Chart


Partner Date of Birth Children
Esther HØST 17 Nov 1910

Person Events

Event Type Date Place Description
Birth 21 Sep 1907 Nørresundby - Denmark
Marriage 1939


More about Ove Viggo HANSEN:
Occupation: Horticulture nursery owner; landscaper (1940).
Residence: Queens, New York (1935-40)
Age: Incorrectly indicated as 82 on the 1940 census index. The indexer misinterpreted 32 as 82.
Possible death: An Ove Viggo HANSEN died 16 January 2011 in Høbjerg, Denmark. He was born 21
October 1912. Occupation: blacksmith. He was buried 22 January 2011 at Ålsø Church, Denmark.
However, it should be noted that Hansen is a very common surname in Denmark.

"Comments Jens Lottrup.

So it is most unlikely him "